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Communicate with your members straight from the Dashboard
Communicate with your members straight from the Dashboard

Create engaging & interactive messages that reach the right members, at the right time! Learn how to customize & schedule your messages.

Tal Groder avatar
Written by Tal Groder
Updated over a week ago

Communicate allows you to send Push Messages, SMS messages and Emails to your members, straight from the Dashboard, With the ability to filter by tags & segments, departments or even by specific members. The Communicate tool allows you to plan out future communications, reminders for your members when it is time to take action and push content that’s new on the app – all in one place.

Select Communicate on the left sidebar menu. Now, there are three options for you to choose from – Push Notification, SMS Message or Email Message, select Push Notification.

Communication #1 - Push Notifications

Push Notification will pop up straight on your member’s device with an identification that it is from the Eloops app.

Step 1 – Select Members

Select members by filters – This window allows you to send the push message to different Groups in your organization or pre-defined tags and Segments. You can also filter by Members status (confirmed, Pending, Inactive and All members).

Select specific members – Here you can type in specific members form your workforce that you want them to get the push message. Start by typing in their name and select the member accordingly.

Step 2 - Enter your message

Title – This is the title of the message that your members will get to their devices. Make your members want to open your message with a powerful & meaningful title that calls for action.

Enter your message - This is where you write & design your custom message for your members. Use the Toolbar for editing text, adding photos, inserting buttons and more.

Insert a Button:

  • Choose the target of the button you want to create (Poll, Quiz, Form, etc).

  • Choose if you want your button to be an image or a classic button.

  • Select button size & color (Primary is mostly used to match your company Appearance & Branding)

  • Type in the button label (call for action)

  • Type the name of the specific asset to link it to the button and select.

  • Hit the Add Button

Pro tip: before sending out your message, test it first by sending it to yourself through specific members. That way you can check that it’s all correct and looks good.

Schedule Delivery – Set a time for your message to be sent to your members.

Select a date & time you want to push out your message, Or send it out immediately.

Mark the ‘I've double-checked my message...’ and you are all set to click the blue send button!

Communication #2 – SMS Message

A similar process happens here in the SMS option. This communication suits your first communications calling to all employees to join the app and register.

  • Select your targeted members

  • Write your message

Pro tip: you can use automated fields by typing the % symbol and choosing the field that answers your needs.

Send a test message – before sending the message to all your member list you can send out a test to make sure all is in place.

Communication #3 - Email Message

Replay To Adress - Type in the email adress you'd like to receive to any replies coming in.

Email Subject - As we do in our private mailbox, type in a meaningful title for your communication.

Send a test message - type in the email you want to receive the test before sending it out widely to all employees.

Stay in the loop and take a look at our Best communication practices

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